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Put the Intent Back into Plagiarism!

By December 11, 2014March 18th, 2024Huffington Post
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"Incidents range from blatant to subtle and from unintentional to intentional. Many cases result from a lack of awareness on the part of students as to the nature and seriousness of plagiarism. For this reason, the problem calls not only for detection and enforcement but also education and training. We encourage educators to use a tool like Turnitin to help sensitize students to issues of academic integrity and proper citation. Turnitin can be used as an instructional support tool...."
As plagiarism defense lawyers, we find that our student clients do not seek to evade any consequences for turning in poorly cited papers or the wrong drafts. Almost all of them would be willing to take lower grades (even an "F") and have to re-do a paper or course. What they object to is being labelled a plagiarist for unintentional mistakes. A mistake in citation is not the same as a failure to cite. And turning in a draft of a paper that is filled with incomplete citations and unfinished writing should not automatically be treated as an attempt to pass off someone else's work as one's own. Mistakes such as these should be penalized academically through grading and credits, not prosecuted as violations of an honor code. Treating unintentional mistakes identically to intentional violations of an honor code makes the honor code meaningless. Colleges and universities fail their students when they define plagiarism as an all-encompassing term that relieves faculty and administrators of the duty to teach and assess. Plagiarists seek to fool people. That requires intent.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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