Outrage over a six-month jail sentence for a Stanford student convicted of the sexual assault of an unconscious woman is intensifying. A leaked statement from the perpetrator’s father saying his son was being unfairly punished for “20 minutes of action” went viral, as did a wrenching letter by the victim to the court. Thousands have signed petitions demanding a lengthier sentence and for the judge who oversaw the case to be removed from the bench. NPR forum, including Shanlon Wu, discusses the Stanford case and the problem of campus sexual assault. Article Link: http://ww2.kqed.org/forum/2016/06/06/2010101855045/ Listen to the show here TRANSCRIPT: Outrage Grows Over Jail Sentence for Stanford Sexual Assault Krasny: from KQUED public radio in San Francisco. Coming up on forum this morning on our opening hour outrage over a 6-month jail sentence for a Stanford student convicted for the sexual assault of an unconscious woman is intensifying. A lead statement from the…
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